Sunday, June 8, 2008

oh, blah... 'D' (omg, iz pixtures heavy)

i'm fixing a hole... where there's a tear in one of the pouch's in my bra. don't know how it got torn. but, life goes on, as they say...


got a neat little stitching project to take me away from this darns flag, anyhow.


fixing it right there.


but, today must be my lucky day!

my master, Mr. W., let me out of my cellar to enjoy enjoy some of this mysterious countryside weathers (still haven't got a fucking clue where i am). he even lent me his old fashioned bicycle-thing:

fucking thing didn't even work, tho (i mean, come on. look at those wheels). but i had fun... out there in the sun and clouds... fresh air all around...

only on the way home i gots me a flat tire in the littler rear wheel. had to fix the damn thing myself in the middle of a cornfield, where right after i started back up again i was met with a black crow launching off for flight right in front of my very eyes.

It looked just like this (only with one crow):

but, when i got home, there was a lovely little parking space for the bicycle next to the brown shed where Mrs. W does her business. hooray.

then i ate some lovely little porridge i made for mittens and me.
warms me up inside.

(and now it's back to work on the fucking flag.)


--- the way, check this out:

(imagine how much fun that bicycle seat must be having.)

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