i am here, living in an undisclosed underground location, adjacent to the privy pits of my master and his family, Sir George Washington, Sr. i have been asked to make a flag... it doesn't have to be pretty, he says; but, he says: "Ms. Ross, you have to make our Country proud." so that is what i'm trying to do!
i'm not happy about it, and that is why i ahve started this blog. but i hope to share with you all fellow readers about my strife and my circumstances as they unfold. thoughts and musings on things from in here. i am sewing everyday, and every day i try to make each day's thread count...
btw, this is what my cellar/living quarters looks like:

he doesn't get much milk delivered in here, so i have to make do with what curdled i can has that's leftover and that which he brings down 4 me. i try to make do, and have rearranged things nicely since picutre was taken. can't you see the corner where my puppy Mittens piles her trade? :(
(he lets me have a puppy)(